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Thank you for your interest in Schlegel Center for Service and Justice programming.
We are excited to roll out many different opportunities and will share registration or application links with you as soon as they are available.
First Name
Last Name
Planned Graduation Year
Which SCSJ opportunities interest you? All opportunities would include small group sessions and the chance to get to know students with similar interests.
Service & Justice Trips over fall or spring break
Service, in-person reflection, semester long (402 Service Program, C.R.E.W for Social Justice)
In-person weekly service (community gardens, meal service, home set-ups, etc.)
Ignatian Advocacy and legislative visits with elected officials
Conferences with students from Creighton and other universities (e.g., Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice, Catholic Relief Services Ambassadors Training)
To learn more about these and other opportunities
please check out our website.
What topics most interest you?
Hunger/Food insecurity
Racial Justice
Climate Justice/Sustainability
Jesuit, Catholic Mission
Civic Engagement in an Election Year
Health Care
Discerning your Path After Graduation
Criminal Justice
Any questions?
Other ideas you would like us to consider?
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